Diagonal Media
Diagonal Media Animated slideshow for diagonal medias, tilted thumbnails and large titles those animate smoothly when navigating.
Motion Media Animation 8
Tile Apart Motion Media Animation : Tile Apart A mouse/touch responsive animations where images are visible at the path of the user motion with random series of images. Suitable for intro effects.
Motion Media Animation 6
Velocity Motion Media Animation : Velocity A mouse/touch responsive animations where images are visible at the path of the user motion with random series of images. Suitable for intro effects.
Motion Media Animation 4
FLOW Motion Media Animation : Flow A mouse/touch responsive animations where images are visible at the path of the user motion with random series of images. Suitable for intro effects.
Motion Media Animation
Creative Motion Media Animation : Classic A mouse/touch responsive animations where images are visible at the path of the user motion with random series of images. Suitable for intro effects.
Draggable Showcase Light
Draggable Showcase Light A draggable showcase with a scattered thumbnail preview of an image grid that also allows you to disable the preview images and add direct links for the portfolio sections.
Draggable Showcase
Draggable Showcase A draggable showcase with a scattered thumbnail preview of an image grid that also allows you to disable the preview images and add direct links for the portfolio sections.
Split Video Showcase : Vortex Gallery with Image
Split Video Showcase : Vortex Image A unique animation featuring image/video vortex completes the section at the end of the cycle