Row Gallery with Video
Element: Row Gallery with Video When you need to focus on single/big video along with small images, this is the gallery that would help you to solve your problem.
Masonry Gallery with Video
Element: Masonry Gallery with Video A new approach for the Masonry gallery. Lots of details, focused on the specific video and project photos at the same time
Wrap Gallery with Video
Element: Wrap Gallery with Video Gallery for 8 images and 1 video that you could show-off all of them at the same time but you can still get the focus on the specific video.
Mixed Gallery
Element: Mixed Gallery A collection of easy-to-use gallery animations ready for Elementor. Within few minutes, you can add unique galleries to your website – easily!
Single Gallery
Element: Single Gallery Last but not least a single image gallery for the best of the best. If you need much more focus, this is your gallery.
Masonry Gallery
Element: Masonry Gallery A new approach for the Masonry gallery. Lots of details, focused on the specific works and project
Grid Gallery
Element: Grid Gallery Much more better version of grid gallery. With this, the images/photos won’t look boring and it’d be fun to scroll to see what happens next.
Stack Gallery
Element: Stack Gallery Similar with Glass/Inverse gallery but different approach of image effect. You may mix all of these three to create your own style.
Glass Gallery
Element: Glass Gallery A little bit different effect as before. Not many images but good focus. It can be used for team-members and such.
Loop Gallery
Element: Loop Gallery A fancy way to show-off your skills with lots of photo/image options. The limit is you. You can add all of your best projects.