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On-Scroll Landing
Element: On-Scroll Landing A simple concept of animating media element by using scroll to different sections.
On-Scroll Landing : Dark Version
Element: On-Scroll Landing A simple concept of animating media element by using scroll to different sections.
Element: Christmas Holiday season, animated, illustrated, parallax powered countdown element for Halloween.
Stack Intro 2
Element: Stack Intro #2 Stack gallery with smooth animations where the stack content turns into grid.
Stack Intro
Element: Stack Intro Stack gallery with smooth animations where the stack content turns into grid.
Content Layout Light
Content Layout : Dark A unique layout transition where a stack of media ( images and videos ) animate to a gallery view upon click and show some more content.
Content Layout
Content Layout : Dark A unique layout transition where a stack of media ( images and videos ) animate to a gallery view upon click and show some more content.
Smooth Scroll 6
Smooth Scroll 6 Smooth page scrolls followed by triggered images/media with parallax effect